Musical 2015

Posted by Sarina Armstrong on Friday, May 30, 2014 Under: Musical

It is officially announced! We plan next year to perform "Shrek the Musical Jr."! I am SO excited for this production because . . . 
#1 There are TONS of parts 
#2 Who doesn't love Shrek????
#3 Thanks to generous donations, sponsors & ticket sales we have a real budget for next year! Wahoo! 
#4 Since we have announced it so early those auditioning have TONS of time to prepared! 
#5 I feel passionate about the themes that this musical represents. Shrek, the Musical, is all about being who you are and being PROUD of who you are regardless of what others think. Bullying does not fly with these fairytale characters and they learn to hold their heads up high! 

If you are interested in SEEING Shrek Jr. (and you should be!) you have two opportunities: 
#1 It is on Netflix. Yep. The official broadway cast. I may have watched it several times already. LOVE it! 
#2 Herriman City is doing this play this summer AND we have a few amazing students IN it! Tevan McPeak is one of the 3 pigs and Zoe Fedderson is the teenage Fiona! 

In : Musical 

Tags: musical 2015  musical  shrek 
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